

by Lisa Gonzales
with an introduction by Helena María Viramontes


by Lisa Gonzales
with an introduction by Helena María Viramontes

Praise for Arroyo:

Arroyo is a remarkable, startling little book that showcases Gonzales’ craft as a short-story writer and keeper of family tales. —Daniel A. Olivas
Read Daniel’s complete review of Arroyo online.

This triptych of Hawaiian stories blooms like tropical flowers: fiercely colored, with a trumpet’s shape.  Death and violence, longing and sorrow: love here is worn close to the bone but gets released in passionate, stark songs.  “Love in the Blood” is a scintillating gem to leave a reader dazed and changed.  Lisa Gonzales writes with heart—and with a haunting and haunted soul. —Katherine Vaz

Lisa Gonzales conjures up the internal landscape of family, of love and of a place so familiar we too come to hear and know its many voices.  This is a world often seen through the eyes of the young and still Gonzales is able to reveal this world’s complexity, its darkness and beauty through her subtle detail, through language that draws readers in and leaves them with a strong sense of knowing what cannot be said.—M. Evelina Galang

An Interview with Lisa Gonzales